Industrial disease claims

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Industrial disease claims

Industrial disease claims refers to a group of illnesses that have been caused by an employees working environment. This may be the result of working in an unsafe practice or something that might cause an injury to develop over a period of time.

It may also relate to the exposure of harmful chemicals or substances that your employer will have been liable for. Whatever the case may be, Legal Services UK Ltd can assist you with your Industrial Disease claim

The most common types of industrial disease claims in the UK include:

  • Asbestosis
  • Hearing loss
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Occupational asthma
  • Cumulative Back Injuries
  • Dermatitis claims – through handling dangerous chemicals or wearing latex gloves etc.
  • Mesothelioma – caused primarily through asbestos exposure
  • Pneumoconiosis (Welders Lung) – type of lung disease due to dust inhalation
  • Vibration White Finger/Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome


It is important that if you do feel as though you have developed an illness or medical condition through work that you seek medical advice as quickly as possible. If your GP confirms that your injuries or illness is as a result of your working environment then you should contact Legal Services UK Ltd in order to discuss any possible claim.
