No Win, No Fee Traffic Accident Claims

No Win No Fee Traffic Accident claims

At Legal Services UK Ltd, we take the risk out of making a personal injury claim for all of our clients, thereby allowing everyone an access to justice, regardless of their financial situation. What is ‘no win no fee’? It is what it sounds like! It is the guarantee that you won’t pay a penny until we know your case will be successful.

When claiming with us for road traffic accident compensation, you will find no upfront fees, unexpected costs, and no risk of paying the expenses of the defending side. Before any legal proceedings are undertaken, your Road Traffic Accident claim will be considered by our expert personal injury solicitors. You will then be told whether your case can proceed on a ‘no win no fee’ basis. Roughly 98% of our clients’ claims are handled in this way.

Rest assured that you’ll be able to make your road traffic accident claim without putting yourself into financial difficulty.

Road Traffic Accident Injuries:

Injuries that are usually suffered as a result of road traffic accidents are soft tissue injuries to your muscles and ligaments in your neck, shoulders, upper and lower back. But many different kinds of injuries can be caused by road traffic accidents.

Injury Rehab Treatments

The injuries sustained in a road traffic collision can life changing. The impact upon your health and wellbeing could be devastating depending upon the severity of your injuries. Your health must always be your priority, so Legal Services UK Ltd can help you to arrange additional treatments to get your life back on track. Some of the treatments commonly available to those injured on the roads include;

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Osteopathy

Other therapies can be arranged where appropriate.